Open Access
1995 An algorithm to calculate the kernel of certain polynomial ring homomorphisms
Fausto Di Biase, Rüdiger Urbanke
Experiment. Math. 4(3): 227-234 (1995).


We propose an improvement upon the standard algorithm for computing the kernel of a polynomial map, assuming that the map sends monomials into monomials. Rather than computing a Gröbner basis in the joint polynomial ring, and then selecting only the elements of interest, we show that a moderate number of iterations of the Buchberger algorithm in the variables of the domain suffices.


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Fausto Di Biase. Rüdiger Urbanke. "An algorithm to calculate the kernel of certain polynomial ring homomorphisms." Experiment. Math. 4 (3) 227 - 234, 1995.


Published: 1995
First available in Project Euclid: 3 September 2003

zbMATH: 0860.68062
MathSciNet: MR1387479

Primary: 13P10
Secondary: 90C10 , 90C27

Rights: Copyright © 1995 A K Peters, Ltd.

Vol.4 • No. 3 • 1995
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