We construct a class of superprocesses by taking the high density limit of a sequence of interacting-branching particle systems. The spatial motion of the superprocess is determined by a system of interacting diffusions, the branching density is given by an arbitrary bounded non-negative Borel function, and the superprocess is characterized by a martingale problem as a diffusion process with state space $M({\bf R})$, improving and extending considerably the construction of Wang (1997, 1998). It is then proved in a special case that a suitable rescaled process of the superprocess converges to the usual super Brownian motion. An extension to measure-valued branching catalysts is also discussed.
Donald Dawson. Zenghu Li. Hao Wang. "Superprocesses with Dependent Spatial Motion and General Branching Densities." Electron. J. Probab. 6 1 - 33, 2001. https://doi.org/10.1214/EJP.v6-98