It is known that all resolution IV regular 2n−m designs of run size N=2n−m where 5N/16<n<N/2 must be projections of the maximal even design with N/2 factors and, therefore, are even designs. This paper derives a general and explicit relationship between the wordlength pattern of any even 2n−m design and that of its complement in the maximal even design. Using these identities, we identify some (weak) minimum aberration 2n−m designs of resolution IV and the structures of their complementary designs. Based on these results, several families of minimum aberration 2n−m designs of resolution IV are constructed.
Hegang H. Chen. Ching-Shui Cheng. "Some results on 2n−m designs of resolution IV with (weak) minimum aberration." Ann. Statist. 37 (6A) 3600 - 3615, December 2009. https://doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS670