For a UMT-domain $D$, we characterize when the polynomial ring $D[X]$ is $t$-compactly packed and every prime $t$-ideal of $D[X]$ is radically perfect. As a corollary, for a quasi-Pr\"ufer domain $D$, we also characterize when every prime ideal of $D[X]$ is radically perfect. Finally we introduce the concepts of Serre's conditions in strong Mori domains and characterize Krull domains and almost factorial domains, respectively.
Gyu Whan Chang. Hwankoo Kim. "Radical perfectness of prime ideals in certain integral domains." J. Commut. Algebra 9 (1) 31 - 48, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1216/JCA-2017-9-1-31