Open Access
2024 Large Sample Asymptotic Analysis for Normalized Random Measures with Independent Increments
Junxi Zhang, Yaozhong Hu
Author Affiliations +
Bayesian Anal. Advance Publication 1-26 (2024). DOI: 10.1214/23-BA1411


Normalized random measures with independent increments (NRMIs) represent a large class of Bayesian nonparametric priors and are widely used in the Bayesian nonparametric framework. In this paper, we provide the posterior consistency analysis for these NRMIs through their characterizing Lévy intensities. Assumptions are introduced on the Lévy intensities to analyse the posterior consistency and are verified with multiple interesting examples. Another focus of the paper is the Bernstein-von Mises theorem for a particular subclass of NRMIs, namely the normalized generalized gamma processes (NGGP). When the Bernstein-von Mises theorem is applied to construct credible sets, in addition to the usual form, there will be an additional bias term on the left endpoint closely related to the number of atoms of the true distribution in the discrete case. We also discuss the effect of the estimators for the model parameters of the NGGP under the Bernstein-von Mises convergence. Finally, to further illustrate the impact of the bias correction term in the construction of credible sets, we present a numerical example to demonstrate numerically how the bias correction affects the coverage of the true value.


We sincerely thank the associate editor and anonymous referees for their constructive and inspiring comments which improved the quality of the article significantly.


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Junxi Zhang. Yaozhong Hu. "Large Sample Asymptotic Analysis for Normalized Random Measures with Independent Increments." Bayesian Anal. Advance Publication 1 - 26, 2024.


Published: 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 11 January 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/23-BA1411

Primary: 60F05 , 62G20
Secondary: 60G57 , 62G15

Keywords: Bayesian nonparametrics , Bernstein-von Mises theorem , credible sets , Lévy intensity , normalized generalized gamma process , normalized random measures with independent increments , posterior consistency

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