LetG denote a totally disconnected locally compact metric abelian group with translation invariant metric d and character group ΓG. The Lipschitz spaces are defined by $Lip\left( {\alpha ;p} \right) = \left\{ {f \in L^p \left( G \right):\left\| {\tau _a f - f} \right\|_p = O\left( {d\left( {a,0} \right)^\alpha } \right),a \to 0} \right\},$ where τaf: x→f(x-a) and α∈(0,1). For a suitable choice of metric it is shown that Lip (α; p)⊂Lr(ΓG), where α>1/p+1/r−1≧0 and 1≦p≦2. In the case G is compact the corresponding result holds for α>1/r−1/2 and p>2. In addition for G non-discrete the above result is shown to be sharp, in the sense that the range of values of α cannot be extended. The results include classical theorems of S. N. Bernstein, O. Szász and E. C. Titchmarsh.
Walter R. Bloom. "Absolute convergence of Fourier series on totally disconnected groups." Ark. Mat. 20 (1-2) 101 - 109, 1982. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF02390501