VOL. 51 · NO. 4 | August 2023
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), (August 2023)
No abstract available
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), (August 2023)
No abstract available
Sumanta Basu, Suhasini Subba Rao
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1453-1483, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/22-AOS2205
KEYWORDS: graphical models, locally stationary time series, partial covariance, spectral analysis, 62M10, 62M15, 62J07
Benjamin Roycraft, Johannes Krebs, Wolfgang Polonik
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1484-1509, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2277
KEYWORDS: Betti numbers, bootstrap, Euler characteristic, Random geometric complexes, stabilizing statistics, Stochastic geometry, topological data analysis, Persistent homology, 62F40, 55N31, 62R40, 62H10, 62G05
Alexis Derumigny, Johannes Schmidt-Hieber
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1510-1533, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2279
KEYWORDS: Bias-variance decomposition, Cramér–Rao inequality, High-dimensional statistics, minimax estimation, nonparametric estimation, 62G05, 62C05, 62C20
Anamitra Chaudhuri, Sabyasachi Chatterjee
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1534-1560, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2283
KEYWORDS: cross-validation, Trend filtering, Dyadic CART, singular value thresholding, Lasso, adaptive risk bounds, 62G05, 62G08
Yuchen Hu, Stefan Wager
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1561-1585, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2287
KEYWORDS: Importance weighting, Causal inference, mixing time, Lepski’s method, sequential ignorability, 62M09, 62D20
Nicolas Verzelen, Magalie Fromont, Matthieu Lerasle, Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1586-1610, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2297
KEYWORDS: Change-point analyses, CUSUM, minimax, Detection, Localization, 62C20
Qiyang Han
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1611-1638, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2301
KEYWORDS: fixed-point equation, Gaussian sequence model, high-dimensional asymptotics, Linear inverse problem, 62G08, 60F05, 62G10, 62E17
Jiayi Wang, Zhengling Qi, Raymond K. W. Wong
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1639-1665, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2302
KEYWORDS: Infinite horizons, Markov decision process, policy evaluation, reinforcement learning, 62G05, 62M05
Tijana Zrnic, Michael I. Jordan
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1666-1691, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2303 Open Access
KEYWORDS: Post-selection inference, selective inference, stability, differential privacy, Model selection, Linear regression, 62J15, 62J05, 62F07
Jianqing Fan, Ricardo P. Masini, Marcelo C. Medeiros
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1692-1717, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2304
KEYWORDS: factor models, penalized least-squares, high-dimensional inference, (partial) covariance structure, prediction, machine learning, supervised learning, 62H25, 62F03
Jian Ding, Hang Du
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1718-1743, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2305
KEYWORDS: Correlated Erdős–Rényi random graph, matching recovery, information threshold, 05C80, 68Q87
Xiucai Ding, Rong Ma
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1744-1769, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2306
KEYWORDS: High-dimensional data, kernel method, manifold learning, nonlinear dimension reduction, Spectral method, 62R07, 62R30, 47G10
Satarupa Bhattacharjee, Hans-Georg Müller
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1770-1798, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2307
KEYWORDS: non-Euclidean data, Dimension reduction, random objects, M-estimator, inference, 62R20, 62G10, 62G05, 62G20
Qiyang Han, Yandi Shen
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1799-1823, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2309
KEYWORDS: Gaussian comparison inequalities, high-dimensional asymptotics, Lasso, Lindeberg’s principle, Random matrix theory, robust regression, Ridge regression, Universality, 60F17, 62E17
Holger Drees
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1824-1849, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2314
KEYWORDS: Extreme value dependence, integrated spectral measure, local estimation, multivariate regular variation, test of nonstationarity, 62G32, 62G05, 62G10, 62G20, 60G70
Blair Bilodeau, Jeffrey Negrea, Daniel M. Roy
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1850-1876, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2315 Open Access
KEYWORDS: sequential decision theory, prediction with expert advice, adaptive minimax regret, Aggregation, robust prediction, 62L10, 62C20, 60G25, 62M20, 68Q32, 68T05
Eric D. Schoen, Robert W. Mee
Ann. Statist. 51 (4), 1877-1894, (August 2023) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOS2317
KEYWORDS: Average prediction variance, component-position model, D-optimality, equivalence class, I-optimality, pairwise order factors, projection, 62K05, 05B20, 62J05
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