We provide a nonparametric method for the computation of instantaneous multivariate volatility for continuous semi-martingales, which is based on Fourier analysis. The co-volatility is reconstructed as a stochastic function of time by establishing a connection between the Fourier transform of the prices process and the Fourier transform of the co-volatility process. A nonparametric estimator is derived given a discrete unevenly spaced and asynchronously sampled observations of the asset price processes. The asymptotic properties of the random estimator are studied: namely, consistency in probability uniformly in time and convergence in law to a mixture of Gaussian distributions.
Paul Malliavin. Maria Elvira Mancino. "A Fourier transform method for nonparametric estimation of multivariate volatility." Ann. Statist. 37 (4) 1983 - 2010, August 2009. https://doi.org/10.1214/08-AOS633