15 July 2005 Relations in the tautological ring of g
Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel
Duke Math. J. 129(1): 157-186 (15 July 2005). DOI: 10.1215/S0012-7094-04-12916-1


Using a simple geometric argument, we obtain an infinite family of nontrivial relations in the tautological ring of g (coming, in fact, from relations in the Chow ring of ¯ g , 2 ). One immediate consequence of these relations is that the classes κ 1 , , κ g / 3 generate the tautological ring of g , which was conjectured by Faber in [F] and recently proven at the level of cohomology by Morita in [M].


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Eleny-Nicoleta Ionel. "Relations in the tautological ring of g ." Duke Math. J. 129 (1) 157 - 186, 15 July 2005. https://doi.org/10.1215/S0012-7094-04-12916-1


Published: 15 July 2005
First available in Project Euclid: 15 July 2005

MathSciNet: MR2155060
zbMATH: 1086.14023
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/S0012-7094-04-12916-1

Primary: 14H10

Rights: Copyright © 2005 Duke University Press

Vol.129 • No. 1 • 15 July 2005
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