Open Access
December, 1987 Some Classes of Global Cramer-Rao Bounds
B. Z. Bobrovsky, E. Mayer-Wolf, M. Zakai
Ann. Statist. 15(4): 1421-1438 (December, 1987). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1176350602


This paper considers Cramer-Rao type bounds for the estimation error of a parameter in a Bayesian setup. This class of bounds, introduced by Van Trees, proved useful in various stochastic communications and control problems. Two issues are considered in this paper. The first deals with a comparison of the tightness of several different versions of the bound in the multivariate case. The second introduces several useful generalizations of the original version of the bound.


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B. Z. Bobrovsky. E. Mayer-Wolf. M. Zakai. "Some Classes of Global Cramer-Rao Bounds." Ann. Statist. 15 (4) 1421 - 1438, December, 1987.


Published: December, 1987
First available in Project Euclid: 12 April 2007

MathSciNet: MR913566
zbMATH: 0642.62018
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1176350602

Primary: 62F15
Secondary: 93E11

Keywords: Bayesian estimation , Cramer-Rao inequality

Rights: Copyright © 1987 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.15 • No. 4 • December, 1987
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