Open Access
2010 K3 surfaces with Picard rank 20
Matthias Schütt
Algebra Number Theory 4(3): 335-356 (2010). DOI: 10.2140/ant.2010.4.335


We determine all complex K3 surfaces with Picard rank 20 over . Here the Néron–Severi group has rank 20 and is generated by divisors which are defined over . Our proof uses modularity, the Artin–Tate conjecture and class group theory. With different techniques, the result has been established by Elkies to show that Mordell–Weil rank 18 over is impossible for an elliptic K3 surface. We apply our methods to general singular K3 surfaces, that is, those with Néron–Severi group of rank 20, but not necessarily generated by divisors over .


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Matthias Schütt. "K3 surfaces with Picard rank 20." Algebra Number Theory 4 (3) 335 - 356, 2010.


Received: 21 July 2009; Revised: 14 November 2009; Accepted: 31 December 2009; Published: 2010
First available in Project Euclid: 20 December 2017

zbMATH: 1190.14034
MathSciNet: MR2602669
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2140/ant.2010.4.335

Primary: 14J28
Secondary: 11F11 , 11G15 , 11G25 , 11R29

Keywords: Artin–Tate conjecture , class group , Complex Multiplication , modular form , singular K3 surface

Rights: Copyright © 2010 Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Vol.4 • No. 3 • 2010
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