Network datasets typically exhibit certain types of statistical patterns, such as within-dyad correlation, degree heterogeneity, and triadic patterns such as transitivity and clustering. The first two of these can be well represented with a social relations model, a type of additive effects model originally developed for continuous dyadic data. Higher-order patterns can be represented with multiplicative effects models, which are related to matrix decompositions that are commonly used for matrix-variate data analysis. Additionally, these multiplicative effects models generalize other popular latent feature network models, such as the stochastic blockmodel and the latent space model. In this article, we review a general regression framework for the analysis of network data that combines these two types of effects, and accommodates a variety of network data types, including continuous, binary and ordinal network relations.
Peter Hoff. "Additive and Multiplicative Effects Network Models." Statist. Sci. 36 (1) 34 - 50, February 2021. https://doi.org/10.1214/19-STS757