We introduce generalized Reynolds operators on Leibniz algebras as a generalization of twisted Poisson structures. We define the cohomology of a generalized Reynolds operator as the Loday–Pirashvili cohomology of a certain Leibniz algebra induced by with coefficients in a suitable representation. Then we consider formal deformations of generalized Reynolds operators from cohomological points of view. Finally, we introduce and study NS-Leibniz algebras as the underlying structure of generalized Reynolds operators.
Shuangjian Guo. Apurba Das. "COHOMOLOGY AND DEFORMATIONS OF GENERALIZED REYNOLDS OPERATORS ON LEIBNIZ ALGEBRAS." Rocky Mountain J. Math. 54 (1) 161 - 178, February 2024. https://doi.org/10.1216/rmj.2024.54.161