The following papers have been accepted for publication in the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (RMJM). Volume, issue, and DOI assignment will be made soon.
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For More information about publishing in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, please see the journal's submission guidelines.
Semi-analytical solution for two-dimensional coupled nonlinear Burgers' equations using homotopy analysis method
Arora, Mohan

Generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of second-order linear differential equations using Laplace transform
Arumugam, Onitsuka

Delayed fractional discrete sine and cosine matrix functions and their applications to linear fractional delayed difference oscillating systems
Aydin, Mahmudov

Curve neighborhoods and combinatorial conjecture O for a family of odd symplectic partial flag manifolds
Bean, Cruikshank, Shifler

Two results for positive solutions of a fractional differential equation involving p-Laplacian operators
Belarbi, Dahmani, Ibrahim, Sarıkaya

S-asymptotically (omega, xi) periodic mild solutions for some differential equations with delay and applications
Ben Salah, Miraoui, Rekik

A semilinear problem governed by the logarithmic operator from strongly damped wave equation
Bezerra, Santos

Solvability of \Psi-Hilfer hybrid fractional differential equations in Banach space
Bhupeshwar, Patel, Nashine

Arithmetic progressions of integers that are relatively prime to their digital sums
Blau, Harrington, Lohrey, Sosis, Wong

On n-Hausdorff homogeneous and n-Urysohn homogeneous spaces
Bonanzinga, Carlson, Giacopello, Maesano

Remarks on the Stanley depth and Hilbert depth of monomial ideals with linear quotients
Bordianu, Cimpoeaş

On faces of the Kunz cone and the numerical semigroups within them
Borevitz, Gomes, Ma, Niergarth, O'Neill, Pocklington, Stolk, Wang, Xue

Close links of Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials with symmetric functions
Bouzeraib, Boussayoud, Saba, Aloui

Solving quadratic and cubic Diophantine equations using 2-adic valuation trees
Brucal-Hallare, Goedhart, Riley, Sharma, Thompson

An approach to the initial value problem by the fuzzy Laplace transform with Heaviside function

Existence of infinitely many high energy solutions for a fourth-order Kirchhoff type equation
Chahma, Khassani, Chen

Positive periodic solutions to a generalized Lennard-Jones potential with indefinite weights
Cheng, Qian, Song

Strong convergence theorem for solving finite families of equilibrium problems and demicontractive operators with applications
Chugh, Batra, Kumar, Rehman

Existence of positive periodic solutions for a nonlinear impulsive distributed delay Lotka-Volterra dynamic system on time scales
Daira, Ardjouni

Practical h-stability of non-autonomous evolution equations with Lipschitz nonlinearities
Damak, Hammami

Dhage iteration method for an algorithmic approach to local solution of the nonlinear second order ordinary hybrid differential equations with maxima
Dhage, Dhage, Dhage

The density of integral quadratic forms having a k-dimensional totally isotropic subspace
Drakengren, Fisher

Geometric properties and iterates of Hesse derivatives of cubic curves
Dutta, Halbeisen, Hungerbühler

Global output-feedback stabilization for a class of nonlinear systems with unknown output function
Echi, Yahya

On the solutions and stability of a certain family of equations arising from engineering models
El-Hady, Ben Makhlouf

Uniform finite-time stability of non-linear time-varying parameter-dependent systems
Ellouze, Ben Salah

Boundary continuity of rotationally symmetric prescribed mean curvature hypersurfaces
Entekhabi, Lancaster

Thue equations over $\mathbb{C}(T)$: The complete solution of a simple quartic family
Faye, Vukusic, Waxman, Ziegler

A schematic approach to Murasugi sums of relative trisections and of bounded achiral Lefschetz fibrations
Ghanwat, Pandit, A.

Some results on (m, n,C)-isosymmetric commuting d-tuples of operators on a Hilbert space
Gherairi, Guesba, Ahmed Mahmoud

Coefficient functionals and Bohr-Rogosinski phenomenon for analytic functions involving semigroup generators
Giri, Kumar

A robust study on the existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of variable-exponent equations of Kirchhoff type
Guefaifia, Bouali, Boulaaras, Jan

On the existence of subharmonic and homoclinic solutions for a class of second order quasilinear Schrödinger equations
Guo, Liang, O'Regan, Agarwal

Two-dimensional neutral partial integro-differential equations of fractional order and its stability: a new exploration
Gupta, Sen, Agarwal, Miah

Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for the left Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals with variable order
Haider, Chen, Budak, Ali, Shehzadi

Analytical and numerical solutions of extensions of linear Volterra integro-differential equations

Connections of class numbers to the group structure of generalized Pythagorean triples
Jaklitsch, Martinez, Miller, Mukherjee

Cohomological rank functions and syzygies of projective bundles on abelian varieties
Jeon, Tirabassi

Hermite-Hadamard type integral inequalities for semi harmonically P-functions
Kadakal, Iscan, Kadakal

Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for interval-valued co-ordinated LR-convexity via generalized fractional integrals
Kara, Ali, Budak

Uniform convergence of iterates on the unit ball of functions of bicomplex and quaternionic variables
Kaschner, Makdad, Rempfer, Winters

Existence results of a nonlinear fractional integral equation via measure of noncompactness
Khilak, Rahman, Hazarika

Instability of solutions to double phase problems involving the Grushin operator and exponential nonlinearity
Khuat Quang, Dao, Nguyen Van

The Levinson formula for inverse scattering problem of quadratic eigenparameter dependent discrete Sturm-Liouville equation
Köprübaşi, Mohapatra

Modelling and analysis of a delay induced dynamical model on oncolytic virotherapy with tumor extincting optimal strategies
Kumar, Pandey, Mahendra

Unique mild solution for fractional partial and neutral evolution equations with state-dependent delay
Lachachi-Merad, Baghli-Bendimerad, Benchohra, Aouad

Simplified two-level algorithm for the stationary Smagorinsky model based on penalty method
Lai, Huang

Infinitely many solutions for variable-order fractional p1(x, ·)&p2(x, ·)-Laplacian Schrödinger-Choquard equations with Hardy nonlinearity in R^N
Li, An, Bu, Zhang

Global regularity for the 3D axisymmetric non-resistive MHD system with nonlinear damping
Li, Liu, Zhang

On the well-posedness of the 2D Euler-Bénard system with nonlinear thermal diffusivity
Melkemi, Maafa

Some oscillation criteria for nonlocal fractional proportional integro-differential equations
Mert, Bayeğ

Measure pseudo Bloch periodic solutions for some difference and differential equations with piecewise constant argument
Miraoui, Zorgui

New existence and generalized stability results for coupled systems of fractional differential equations with
Nisse, Nisse

Oscillation analysis of solutions of first order sublinear and superlinear difference equations

Common limit in the range of G-property in generalized intuitionistic fuzzy metric space
Poovaragavan, Gupta, Jeyaraman

An explicit section of the Laudenbach exact sequence of the mapping class group of connect sums of S^2 \times S^1
Robinson Arrieta

Stability analysis for a time-fractional SIR epidemic disease model with varying population sizes
S., Jeyaraj, Shangerganesh

Derivation module and its Poincar\'{e} series of the projective closure of certain affine curves
Saha, Sengupta, Srivastava

A numerical study for the time-space fractional advection-reaction-diffusion equation of variable-order
Sharma, Rajeev

Some Open-Newton-Cotes type inequalities for convex functions in fractional calculus
Sitthiwirattham, Ali, Budak, Promsakon

Taking control - a modified epidemiological model investigating strategies for curbing criminal behaviour
Sooknanan, Comissiong

Orthogonality-preserving lowering differential operator for Laguerre and Jacobi polynomials
Souissi, Abdessamad, Aloui

Homoclinic solutions for damped vibration systems with sublinear or superquadratic nonlinearities

Continuous and compactness properties for tempered fractional integrals
Torres Ledesma, Montalvo Bonilla, Rodríguez, Cuti Gutierrez

On the time-delayed fractional mobile-immobile equations: regularity and large-time behavior
Tran, Nguyen

Stepanov type pseudo Bloch periodic functions and applications to some evolution equations in Banach spaces
Wei, Liu, Chang

Quasi-reversibility method for the one-dimensional backward time-space fractional diffusion problem
Wen, Wang, Liu, Wang

Borell-Brascamp-Lieb type inequalities in spaces with bitriangular laws of composition and their applications
Wu, Wang, Bu

Global strong solutions to the 3D compressible Navier–Stokes–Korteweg equations with large initial data
Yu, Qiu, Tang

On the localization of solutions for third-order nonlinear impulsive BVPs on an infinite interval

A fully-decoupled, unconditionally energy stable scheme for the Cahn-Hilliard-Hele-Shaw system.
Zhang, Jia

Finite time stability and relative controllability of fractional multi-delay differential systems
Zhang, Li

Analysis of a more general class of ($k$,$\psi$)-Hilfer impulsive fractional Dirichlet problem
Zhang, Ni

Modelling the impact of air pollution on the spread of viral respiratory diseases in heterogeneous populations
Zhang, Qi, Bessane, Hao

Strongly $\phi$-flat modules, strongly nonnil-injective modules and their homological dimensions
Zhang, Xing, Qi

The first variational problems of the total mass of log-concave functions under the gauge transform
Zhang, Zhang

On an Ambrosetti-Prodi type problem for a class of second order ODEs involving Dirac weights
Zhao, Ma