Accepted Papers
The following papers have been accepted for publication in the Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics (RMJM). Volume, issue, and DOI assignment will be made soon.

For More information about publishing in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, please see the journal's submission guidelines.
Quadratic polynomial happy functions
Baker Swart, Crook, Grundman, Hall-Seelig
On n-Hausdorff homogeneous and n-Urysohn homogeneous spaces
Bonanzinga, Carlson, Giacopello, Maesano
On faces of the Kunz cone and the numerical semigroups within them
Borevitz, Gomes, Ma, Niergarth, O'Neill, Pocklington, Stolk, Wang, Xue
Geometries on polygons in the unit disc
Charitos, Papadoperakis, Tsapogas
Wavelets in abstract Schwartz spaces
Egere, Babalola, Bassey, Egwe
Weakly confluent classes of dendrites
Illanes, Martinez-de-la-Vega, Martínez-Montejano, Michalik
Finite quantum hypergroups
Landstad, Van Daele
On the critical group of hinge graphs
Martinian, Vindas-Meléndez
Depth and singular varieties of exterior edge ideals
Mastroeni, McCullough, Osborne, Rice, Willis
Relative homological rings and modules
Pourghobadian, Divaani-Aazar, Rahimi
A revisit of Popoviciu inequality
Sababheh, Furuichi, Moradi
Continuous and compactness properties for tempered fractional integrals
Torres Ledesma, Montalvo Bonilla, Rodríguez, Cuti Gutierrez
Multiplicative Sombor index of graphs
Xu, Horoldagva, Buyantogtokh, Das, Selenge
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