Recently Yousefi and Hesameddini [13] have obtained a characterization for shift invariant subspaces of a special class of Hilbert spaces contained in the Hardy space $H^2$. In the present note we settle an open problem posed by them in their paper. In fact, by discussing invariance under multiplication by finite Blaschke factors we prove a far more general result than the main result of [13]. We prove our results under much weaker assumptions than the assumptions of [13] and with a simpler proof.
Niteesh Sahni. Dinesh Singh. "Invariant subspaces of certain sub Hilbert spaces of $H^{2}$." Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 87 (4) 56 - 59, April 2011. https://doi.org/10.3792/pjaa.87.56