For a model ℳ of Peano Arithmetic, let Lt(ℳ) be the lattice of its elementary substructures, and let Lt+(ℳ) be the equivalenced lattice (Lt(ℳ), ≅ℳ), where ≅ℳ is the equivalence relation of isomorphism on Lt(ℳ). It is known that Lt+(ℳ) is always a reasonable equivalenced lattice.
Theorem Let L be a finite distributive lattice and let (L,E) be reasonable. If ℳ0 is a nonstandard prime model of PA, then ℳ0 has a cofinal extension ℳ such that Lt+(ℳ) ≅ (L,E).
A general method for proving such theorems is developed which, hopefully, will be able to be applied to some nondistributive lattices.
James H. Schmerl. "Nondiversity in substructures." J. Symbolic Logic 73 (1) 193 - 211, March 2008. https://doi.org/10.2178/jsl/1208358749