This paper shows that there are deeper symmetries within physics than are currently recognised. The use of SI units in their existing form hides that gravity is not the weakest force. The paper shows through symmetry arguments that Planck’s constant h and the Gravitational constant G are both dimensionless ratios when dimensional analysis is used at property levels deeper than mass, length and time. The resultant adjustments shown to be needed for SI units produce much simpler sets of units which also solve the issue of why magnetic field H and magnetic inductance B have not previously had the same units. The result shows that gravitational and charge fields have the same strengths when considered in fractional adjusted-Planck values. By showing that h and G are dimensionless, they can be understood to be unit-dependent ratios which can be eliminated from all equations by merging them within new adjusted SI units. The implications are that mass and charge sizes, and distance, are not the properties which separate quantum and classical gravitational systems. The equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass is also shown. The new type of dimensional analysis shows how to uncover any law of nature or universal constant and that the current set of properties of nature is missing two from the set, whose dimensions and units can be inferred.
Michael Lawrence. "How SI Units Hide the Equal Strength of Gravitation and Charge Fields." J. Phys. Math. 7 (1) 1 - 7, 2016. https://doi.org/10.4172/2090-0902.1000151