Using the connections among almost complete intersection schemes, arithmetically Gorenstein schemes and schemes that are a union of complete intersections, we give a structure theorem for the arithmetically Cohen-Macaulay union of two complete intersections of codimension~2, of type $(d_1,e_1)$ and $(d_2,e_2)$ such that $\min \{d_1,e_1\}\ne \min \{d_2,e_2\}$. We apply the results for computing Hilbert functions and graded Betti numbers for such schemes.
Alfio Ragusa. Giuseppe Zappalà. "A structure theorem for most unions of complete intersections." J. Commut. Algebra 9 (3) 423 - 439, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1216/JCA-2017-9-3-423