The notion of Ulrich ideals was introduced by Goto et al.~\cite {GOTWY}. They developed an interesting theory on Ulrich ideals. In particular, they gave a characterization of Ulrich ideals of Gorenstein numerical semigroup rings that are generated by monomials. Using this result, in this paper, we investigate Ulrich ideals of Gorenstein numerical semigroup rings with embedding dimension~3 that are generated by monomials. In particular, we completely determine when such Ulrich ideals are existent in those rings.
Takahiro Numata. "Ulrich ideals of Gorenstein numerical semigroup rings with embedding dimension 3." J. Commut. Algebra 9 (1) 143 - 156, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1216/JCA-2017-9-1-143