Let be a simple connected noncomplete graph and be its binomial edge ideal in a polynomial ring . Using certain invariants associated to graphs, say , Banerjee and Núñez-Betancourt gave an upper bound for the depth of , and Rouzbahani Malayeri, Saeedi Madani and Kiani obtained a lower bound, say . Hibi and Saeedi Madani gave a structural classification of graphs satisfying . In this article, we give structural classification of graphs satisfying . We also compute the depth of for all such graphs .
A. V. Jayanthan. Rajib Sarkar. "DEPTH OF BINOMIAL EDGE IDEALS IN TERMS OF DIAMETER AND VERTEX CONNECTIVITY." J. Commut. Algebra 16 (4) 411 - 437, Winter 2024. https://doi.org/10.1216/jca.2024.16.411