This paper has two related parts. The first generalizes Hochster’s formula on resolutions of Stanley–Reisner rings to a colorful version, applicable to any proper vertex-coloring of a simplicial complex. The second part examines a universal system of parameters for Stanley–Reisner rings of simplicial complexes, and more generally, face rings of simplicial posets. These parameters have good properties, including being fixed under symmetries, and detecting depth of the face ring. Moreover, when resolving the face ring over these parameters, the shape is predicted, conjecturally, by the colorful Hochster formula.
Ashleigh Adams. Victor Reiner. "A COLORFUL HOCHSTER FORMULA AND UNIVERSAL PARAMETERS FOR FACE RINGS." J. Commut. Algebra 15 (2) 151 - 176, Summer 2023. https://doi.org/10.1216/jca.2023.15.151