The following papers have been accepted for publication in the Journal of Commutative Algebra (JCA). Volume, issue, and DOI assignment will be made soon.
For More information about publishing in Journal of Commutative Algebra, please see the journal's submission guidelines.
For More information about publishing in Journal of Commutative Algebra, please see the journal's submission guidelines.
One-dimensional Compact Connected Abelian Groups and Non-splitting Extensions
Dikranjan, Lewis, Loth, Mader

Distributive modules over the rings of formal power series and polynomials
Enochs, Pournaki, Yassemi

The functorial topology with discrete class the class of all torsion groups
Mader, Dikranjan, Lewis, Loth

The Auslander-Reiten conjecture, finite $C$-injective dimension of $\operatorname{Hom}$, and vanishing of $\operatorname{Ext}$
Mendoza Rubio, Jorge Pérez