We give explicit examples of infinite families of elliptic curves $E$ over $\funnyQ$ with (nonconstant) quadratic twists over $\funnyQ(t)$ of rank at least $2$ and $3$. We recover some results announced by Mestre, as well as some additional families. Suppose $D$ is a squarefree integer and let $r_E(D)$ denote the rank of the quadratic twist of $E$ by $D$. We apply results of Stewart and Top to our examples to obtain results of the form
{\#\{D : |D|<x, \, r_E(D) \ge 2\} \gg x^{1/3},
{\#\{D : |D|<x, \, r_E(D) \ge 3\} \gg x^{1/6}}
for all sufficiently large $x$.
Karl Rubin. Alice Silverberg. "Rank Frequencies for Quadratic Twists of Elliptic Curves." Experiment. Math. 10 (4) 559 - 570, 2001.