We study the Langevin dynamics corresponding to the (or Ginzburg-Landau) interface model with a uniformly convex interaction potential. We interpret these Langevin dynamics as a nonlinear parabolic equation forced by white noise, which turns the problem into a nonlinear homogenization problem. Using quantitative homogenization methods, we prove a quantitative hydrodynamic limit, obtain the regularity of the surface tension, prove a large-scale -type estimate for the trajectories of the dynamics, and show that the fluctuation-dissipation relation can be seen as a commutativity of homogenization and linearization. Finally, we explain why we believe our techniques can be adapted to the setting of degenerate (non-uniformly) convex interaction potentials.
Funding Statement
S.A. was partially supported by NSF grant DMS-2000200. P.D. was partially supported by the ERC grant LiKo 676999.
Scott Armstrong. Paul Dario. "Quantitative hydrodynamic limits of the Langevin dynamics for gradient interface models." Electron. J. Probab. 29 1 - 93, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-EJP1072