We prove pathwise large-deviation principles of switching Markov processes by exploiting the connection to associated Hamilton-Jacobi equations, following Jin Feng’s and Thomas Kurtz’s method [13]. In the limit that we consider, we show how the large-deviation problem in path-space reduces to a spectral problem of finding principal eigenvalues. The large-deviation rate functions are given in action-integral form. As an application, we demonstrate how macroscopic transport properties of stochastic models of molecular motors can be deduced from an associated principal-eigenvalue problem. The precise characterization of the macroscopic velocity in terms of principal eigenvalues confirms that breaking of detailed balance is necessary for obtaining transport. In this way, we extend and unify several existing results about molecular motors and place them in the framework of stochastic processes and large-deviation theory.
The authors thank Frank Redig, Francesca Collet and Federico Sau for their remarks and suggestions. The authors also thank the reviewers for their very detailed feedback that significantly contributed to improving the quality of the paper. MS also thanks Georg Prokert, Jim Portegies and Richard Kraaij for answering various questions about principal eigenvalues, measure theory and large deviations. The authors acknowledge financial support through NWO grant 613.001.552.
Mark A. Peletier. Mikola C. Schlottke. "Large-deviation principles of switching Markov processes via Hamilton-Jacobi equations." Electron. J. Probab. 29 1 - 39, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-EJP1144