We study the cluster-size distribution of supercritical long-range percolation on , where two vertices are connected by an edge with probability for parameters , , and . We show that when , and either β or p is sufficiently large, the probability that the origin is in a finite cluster of size at least k decays as . This corresponds to classical results for nearest-neighbor Bernoulli percolation on , but is in contrast to long-range percolation with , when the exponent of the stretched exponential decay changes to . This result, together with our accompanying paper, establishes the phase diagram of long-range percolation with respect to cluster-size decay. Our proofs rely on combinatorial methods that show that large delocalized components are unlikely to occur. As a side result we determine the asymptotic growth of the second-largest connected component when the graph is restricted to a finite box.
The work of JJ and JK has been partly supported through grant NWO 613.009.122. The work of DM has been partially supported by grant Fondecyt grant 1220174 and by grant GrHyDy ANR-20-CE40-0002. We thank the careful reviewer for many detailed suggestions, and in particular for the elegant new proof of Claim 3.6.
Joost Jorritsma. Júlia Komjáthy. Dieter Mitsche. "Cluster-size decay in supercritical long-range percolation." Electron. J. Probab. 29 1 - 36, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-EJP1135