We investigate generalizations of the classical percolation critical probabilities $p_c$, $p_T$ and the critical probability $\tilde{p} _c$ defined by Duminil-Copin and Tassion [11] to bounded degree unimodular random graphs. We further examine Schramm’s conjecture in the case of unimodular random graphs: does ${p_c}(G_n)$ converge to ${p_c}(G)$ if $G_n\to G$ in the local weak sense? Among our results are the following:
${p_c}={\tilde{p} _c}$ holds for bounded degree unimodular graphs. However, there are unimodular graphs with sub-exponential volume growth and ${p_T}<{p_c}$; i.e., the classical sharpness of phase transition does not hold.
We give conditions which imply $\lim{p_c} (G_n)= {p_c}(\lim G_n)$.
There are sequences of unimodular graphs such that $G_n\to G$ but ${p_c}(G)>\lim{p_c} (G_n)$ or ${p_c}(G)<\lim{p_c} (G_n)<1$.
Dorottya Beringer. Gábor Pete. Ádám Timár. "On percolation critical probabilities and unimodular random graphs." Electron. J. Probab. 22 1 - 26, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1214/17-EJP124