Let $X$ be a recurrent Lévy process with no negative jumps and $n$ the measure of its excursions away from $0$. Using Lamperti's connection that links $X$ to a continuous state branching process, we determine the joint distribution under $n$ of the variables $C^+_T=\int_{0}^{T}{\bf 1}_{{X_s>0}}X_s^{-1}ds$ and $C^-_T=\int_{0}^{T}{\bf 1}_{{X_s<0}}|X_s|^{-1}ds$, where $T$ denotes the duration of the excursion. This provides a new insight on an identity of Fitzsimmons and Getoor on the Hilbert transform of the local times of $X$. Further results in the same vein are also discussed.
Jean Bertoin. "Cauchy's Principal Value of Local Times of Lévy Processes with no Negative Jumps via Continuous Branching Processes." Electron. J. Probab. 2 1 - 12, 1997. https://doi.org/10.1214/EJP.v2-20