Open Access
2021 Strong and weighted matchings in inhomogenous random graphs
Ghurumuruhan Ganesan
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Electron. Commun. Probab. 26: 1-12 (2021). DOI: 10.1214/21-ECP408


We equip the edges of a deterministic graph H with independent but not necessarily identically distributed weights and study a generalized version of matchings (i.e. a set of vertex disjoint edges) in H satisfying the property that end-vertices of any two distinct edges are at least a minimum distance apart. We call such matchings as strong matchings and determine bounds on the expectation and variance of the minimum weight of a maximum strong matching. Next, we consider an inhomogenous random graph whose edge probabilities are not necessarily the same and determine bounds on the maximum size of a strong matching in terms of the averaged edge probability. We use local vertex neighbourhoods, the martingale difference method and iterative exploration techniques to obtain our desired estimates.


I thank Professors Rahul Roy, C. R. Subramanian and the referees for crucial comments that led to an improvement of the paper. I also thank IMSc for my fellowships.


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Ghurumuruhan Ganesan. "Strong and weighted matchings in inhomogenous random graphs." Electron. Commun. Probab. 26 1 - 12, 2021.


Received: 24 December 2020; Accepted: 11 June 2021; Published: 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 22 June 2021

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/21-ECP408

Primary: 60J10

Keywords: inhomogenous random graphs , strong matchings , weighted matchings

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