We detail an approach to developing Stein’s method for bounding integral metrics on probability measures defined on a Riemannian manifold M. Our approach exploits the relationship between the generator of a diffusion on M having a target invariant measure and its characterising Stein operator. We consider a pair of such diffusions with different starting points, and through analysis of the distance process between the pair, derive Stein factors, which bound the solution to the Stein equation and its derivatives. The Stein factors contain curvature-dependent terms and reduce to those currently available for , and moreover imply that the bounds for remain valid when M is a flat manifold.
We are grateful to Dennis Barden for permission to include his unpublished work (Lemma 3 in Appendix A of Supplementary Material), jointly with HL. This result lays the geometric foundation for our analysis of the distance between the pair of diffusions. KB acknowledges partial support from grants EPSRC EP/V048104/1, NSF 2015374 and NIH R37-CA214955. For the purpose of open access, the authors have applied a creative commons attribution (CC BY) licence to any author accepted manuscript version arising.
Huiling Le. Alexander Lewis. Karthik Bharath. Christopher Fallaize. "A diffusion approach to Stein’s method on Riemannian manifolds." Bernoulli 30 (2) 1079 - 1104, May 2024. https://doi.org/10.3150/23-BEJ1625