Quantifying uncertainty in models derived from observed seismic data is a major issue. In this research we examine the geological structure of the sub-surface using controlled source seismology which gives the data in time and the distance between the acoustic source and the receiver. Inversion tools exist to map these data into a depth model, but a full exploration of the uncertainty of the model is rarely done because robust strategies do not exist for large non-linear complex systems. There are two principal sources of uncertainty: the first comes from the input data which is noisy and band-limited; the second is from the model parameterisation and forward algorithm which approximate the physics to make the problem tractable. To address these issues we propose a Bayesian approach using the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm.
Camila C. S. Caiado. Michael Goldstein. Richard W. Hobbs. "Bayesian Strategies to Assess Uncertainty in Velocity Models." Bayesian Anal. 7 (1) 211 - 234, March 2012. https://doi.org/10.1214/12-BA707