This expository paper discusses Bayesian decision analysis perspectives on problems of constrained forecasting. Foundational and pedagogic discussion contrasts decision analytic approaches with the traditional, but typically inappropriate, inferential approach. Illustrative examples include development of novel constrained point forecasting and entropic tilting methodology to explore consistency of a predictive distribution with an imposed or hypothesized constraint. Linear, aggregate constraints define illuminating examples that relate to broadly important problems involving aggregate and hierarchical constraints in commercial and economic forecasting. Discussion explores the impact of different loss functions, questions of how constrained forecasting is impacted by dependencies among outcomes being predicted, and promotes the broader use of decision analysis including routine evaluation of predictive distributions of loss under chosen forecasts/decisions. Extensions to more general constrained forecasting problems, connections with broader interests in forecast reconciliation and other considerations are noted.
Research reported here was motivated by applied forecasting problems with researchers at 84.51 Labs., 100 West 5th Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202, and benefited in particular from discussions with Andrew Cron, Paul Helman and Christoph Hellmayr. Discussions with Domenico Giannoni of Amazon, and with past graduate students in Statistical Science at Duke University including Lindsay Berry, Daniel Deng, Isaac Lavine and Anna Yanchenko, contributed further perspectives. The author also acknowledges the most constructive comments and suggestions from the Editor-in-Chief, the Associate Editor, and two anonymous referees.
Mike West. "Perspectives on Constrained Forecasting." Bayesian Anal. 19 (4) 1013 - 1039, December 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-BA1379