In this paper, we prove that every invertible $2$-local or local automorphism of a simple generalized Witt algebra over any field of characteristic $0$ is an automorphism. Furthermore, every $2$-local or local automorphism of Witt algebras $W_n$ is an automorphism for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$. But some simple generalized Witt algebras indeed have $2$-local (and local) automorphisms that are not automorphisms.
Funding Statement
This research is partially supported by NSFC (11871190) and NSERC (311907-2015).
Yang Chen. Kaiming Zhao. Yueqiang Zhao. "Local and $2$-local automorphisms of simple generalized Witt algebras." Ark. Mat. 59 (1) 1 - 10, April 2021. https://doi.org/10.4310/ARKIV.2021.v59.n1.a1