We give a detailed proof of Siu’s theorem on extendibility of holomorphic vector bundles of rank larger than one, and prove a corresponding extension theorem for holomorphic sprays. We apply this result to study ellipticity properties of complements of compact subsets in Stein manifolds. In particular we show that the complement of a closed ball in , is not subelliptic.
Funding Statement
E. F. Wold is supported by grant NFR-209751/F20 from the Norwegian Research Council.
Rafael B. Andrist. Nikolay Shcherbina. Erlend F. Wold. "The Hartogs extension theorem for holomorphic vector bundles and sprays." Ark. Mat. 54 (2) 299 - 319, October 2016. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11512-015-0226-y