Open Access
July, 1980 An Asymptotic Expansion for Permutation Tests with Several Samples
J. Robinson
Ann. Statist. 8(4): 851-864 (July, 1980). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1176345078


Let $V_n$ be the standardized sum of squares of the means of $r + 1$ random samples of sizes $s_0, s_1, \cdots, s_r$, where $n = s_0 + s_1 + \cdots + s_r$, taken without replacement from $n$ numbers. Then using an approximation to the characteristic function of the means, an asymptotic expansion is obtained for the distribution of $V_n$ with first term being the distribution function of $\chi^2_r$ and with error of approximation generally of smaller order than $1/n$. When the numbers are the first $n$ integers, $V$ is the Kruskal-Wallis statistic and the approximation is compared with the exact distribution in some examples of this special case.


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J. Robinson. "An Asymptotic Expansion for Permutation Tests with Several Samples." Ann. Statist. 8 (4) 851 - 864, July, 1980.


Published: July, 1980
First available in Project Euclid: 12 April 2007

zbMATH: 0441.62019
MathSciNet: MR572629
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1176345078

Primary: 60F05
Secondary: 62G10

Keywords: asymptotic expansions , completely randomized design , permutation tests , sampling without replacement , the $k$ sample problem

Rights: Copyright © 1980 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.8 • No. 4 • July, 1980
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