October 2024 On the existence of powerful p-values and e-values for composite hypotheses
Zhenyuan Zhang, Aaditya Ramdas, Ruodu Wang
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Statist. 52(5): 2241-2267 (October 2024). DOI: 10.1214/24-AOS2434


Given a composite null P and composite alternative Q, when and how can we construct a p-value whose distribution is exactly uniform under the null, and stochastically smaller than uniform under the alternative? Similarly, when and how can we construct an e-value whose expectation exactly equals one under the null, but its expected logarithm under the alternative is positive? We answer these basic questions, and other related ones, when P and Q are convex polytopes (in the space of probability measures). We prove that such constructions are possible if and only if Q does not intersect the span of P. If the p-value is allowed to be stochastically larger than uniform under PP, and the e-value can have expectation at most one under PP, then it is achievable whenever P and Q are disjoint. More generally, even when P and Q are not polytopes, we characterize the existence of a bounded nontrivial e-variable whose expectation exactly equals one under any PP. The proofs utilize recently developed techniques in simultaneous optimal transport. A key role is played by coarsening the filtration: sometimes, no such p-value or e-value exists in the richest data filtration, but it does exist in some reduced filtration, and our work provides the first general characterization of this phenomenon. We also provide an iterative construction that explicitly constructs such processes, and under certain conditions it finds the one that grows fastest under a specific alternative Q. We discuss implications for the construction of composite nonnegative (super)martingales, and end with some conjectures and open problems.


We thank Peter Grunwald, Martin Larsson and Johannes Wiesel for helpful discussions. We are also grateful to three referees for their thoughtful comments and for pointing towards the convergence rate of the SHINE construction.

Codes used to generate simulation and numerical results can be found at https://github.com/Hungryzzy/SHINE.


Download Citation

Zhenyuan Zhang. Aaditya Ramdas. Ruodu Wang. "On the existence of powerful p-values and e-values for composite hypotheses." Ann. Statist. 52 (5) 2241 - 2267, October 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-AOS2434


Received: 1 July 2023; Revised: 1 May 2024; Published: October 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 20 November 2024

MathSciNet: MR4829487
zbMATH: 07961555
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/24-AOS2434

Primary: 49Q22 , 60G42 , 62B15 , 62G10

Keywords: Composite hypothesis testing , Convex order , e-values , nonnegative martingale , P-values , simultaneous optimal transport

Rights: Copyright © 2024 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.52 • No. 5 • October 2024
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