This paper investigates estimation of the mean vector under invariant quadratic loss for a spherically symmetric location family with a residual vector with density of the form $f(x,u)=\eta ^{(p+n)/2}f(\eta \{\|x-\theta \|^{2}+\|u\|^{2}\})$, where $\eta $ is unknown. We show that the natural estimator $x$ is admissible for $p=1,2$. Also, for $p\geq 3$, we find classes of generalized Bayes estimators that are admissible within the class of equivariant estimators of the form $\{1-\xi (x/\|u\|)\}x$. In the Gaussian case, a variant of the James–Stein estimator, $[1-\{(p-2)/(n+2)\}/\{\|x\|^{2}/\|u\|^{2}+(p-2)/(n+2)+1\}]x$, which dominates the natural estimator $x$, is also admissible within this class. We also study the related regression model.
Yuzo Maruyama. William E. Strawderman. "Admissible Bayes equivariant estimation of location vectors for spherically symmetric distributions with unknown scale." Ann. Statist. 48 (2) 1052 - 1071, April 2020. https://doi.org/10.1214/19-AOS1837