Open Access
April 2003 A necessary and sufficient condition for asymptotic independence of discrete Fourier transforms under short- and long-range dependence
S. N. Lahiri
Ann. Statist. 31(2): 613-641 (April 2003). DOI: 10.1214/aos/1051027883


Let $\{X_t\}$ be a stationary time series and let $d_T(\lambda)$ denote the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of $\{X_0,\ldots,X_{T-1}\}$ with a data taper. The main results of this paper provide a characterization of asymptotic independence of the DFTs in terms of the distance between their arguments under both short- and long-range dependence of the process $\{X_t\}$. Further, asymptotic joint distributions of the DFTs $d_T(\lambda_{1T})$ and $d_T(\lambda_{2T})$ are also established for the cases $T(\lambda_{1T}- \lambda_{2T})=O(1)$ as $T\to\infty$ (asymptotically close ordinates) and $|T(\lambda_{1_T}-\lambda_{2_T})|\to\infty$ as $T\to\infty$ (asymptotically distant ordinates). Some implications of the main results on the estimation of the index of dependence are also discussed.


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S. N. Lahiri. "A necessary and sufficient condition for asymptotic independence of discrete Fourier transforms under short- and long-range dependence." Ann. Statist. 31 (2) 613 - 641, April 2003.


Published: April 2003
First available in Project Euclid: 22 April 2003

zbMATH: 1039.62087
MathSciNet: MR1983544
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aos/1051027883

Primary: 62M10
Secondary: 62E20 , 62M15

Keywords: Asymptotic independence , discrete Fourier transform , long-range dependence , stationarity

Rights: Copyright © 2003 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.31 • No. 2 • April 2003
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