Let $f(x)$ be a $\operatorname{pdf}$ of exponential form with respect to the measure $\mu$. Suppose a prior $\operatorname{pdf}$ $\pi$ has been placed on the natural parameter space $\Omega$, where $\pi$ is a density (with respect to $m$-dimensional Lebesgue measure) which is both positive and continuous at $\tau^\ast$, the true but unknown parameter value. Using basic properties of exponential families and certain associated convex functions, it is shown that the posterior pdf tends to the multivariate normal.
Bradford R. Crain. Ronnie L. Morgan. "Asymptotic Normality of the Posterior Distribution for Exponential Models." Ann. Statist. 3 (1) 223 - 227, January, 1975. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176343011