Asymptotic inference for estimators of $(\alpha_n, \beta_n)$ in the spatial autoregressive model $Z_{ij}(n) = \alpha_n Z_{i-1, j}(n) + \beta_n Z_{i, j-1}(n) - \alpha_n \beta_n Z_{i-1, j-1}(n) + \varepsilon_{ij}$ is obtained when $\alpha_n$ and $\beta_n$ are near unit roots. When $\alpha_n$ and $\beta_n$ are reparameterized by $\alpha_n = e^{c/n}$ and $\beta_n = e^{d/n}$, it is shown that if the "one-step Gauss-Newton estimator" of $\lambda_1 \alpha_n + \lambda_2 \beta_n$ is properly normalized and embedded in the function space $D([0, 1]^2)$, the limiting distribution is a Gaussian process. The key idea in the proof relies on a maximal inequality for a two-parameter martingale which may be of independent interest. A simulation study illustrates the speed of convergence and goodness-of-fit of these estimators for various sample sizes.
B. B. Bhattacharyya. G. D. Richardson. L. A. Franklin. "Asymptotic inference for near unit roots in spatial autoregression." Ann. Statist. 25 (4) 1709 - 1724, August 1997. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1031594738