We address the problem of finding a design that minimizes the Bayes risk with respect to a fixed prior subject to being robust with respect to misspecification of the prior. Uncertainty in the prior is formulated in terms of having a family of priors instead of one single prior. Two different classes of priors are considered: $\Gamma_1$ is a family of conjugate priors, and a second family of priors $\Gamma_2$ is induced by a metric on the space of nonnegative measures. The family $\Gamma_1$ has earlier been suggested by Leamer and Polasek, while $\Gamma_2$ was considered by DeRobertis and Hartigan and Berger. The setup assumed is that of a canonical normal linear model with independent homoscedastic errors. Optimal robust designs are considered for the problem of estimating the vector of regression coefficients or a linear combination of the regression coefficients and also for testing and set estimation problems. Concrete examples are given for polynomial regression and completely randomized designs. A very surprising finding is that for $\Gamma_2$, the same design is optimal for a variety of different problems with different loss structures. In general, the results for $\Gamma_2$ are significantly more substantive. Our results are applicable to group decision making and reconciliation of opinions among experts with different priors.
A. DasGupta. W. J. Studden. "Robust Bayesian Experimental Designs in Normal Linear Models." Ann. Statist. 19 (3) 1244 - 1256, September, 1991. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176348247