Let $f$ be a density on the real line and let $f_n$ be the kernel estimate of $f$ in which the smoothing factor is obtained by maximizing the cross-validated likelihood product according to the method of Duin and Habbema, Hermans and Vandenbroek. Under mild regularity conditions on the kernel and $f$, we show, among other things that $\int|f_n - f| \rightarrow 0$ almost surely if and only if the sample extremes of $f$ are strongly stable.
Michel Broniatowski. Paul Deheuvels. Luc Devroye. "On the Relationship Between Stability of Extreme Order Statistics and Convergence of the Maximum Likelihood Kernel Density Estimate." Ann. Statist. 17 (3) 1070 - 1086, September, 1989. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176347256