For a first order non-explosive autoregressive process with unknown parameter $\beta \in \lbrack -1, 1 \rbrack$, it is shown that if data are collected according to a particular stopping rule, the least squares estimator of $\beta$ is asymptotically normally distributed uniformly in $\beta$. In the case of normal residuals, the stopping rule may be interpreted as sampling until the observed Fisher information reaches a preassigned level. The situation is contrasted with the fixed sample size case, where the estimator has a non-normal unconditional limiting distribution when $|\beta| = 1$.
T. L. Lai. D. Siegmund. "Fixed Accuracy Estimation of an Autoregressive Parameter." Ann. Statist. 11 (2) 478 - 485, June, 1983. https://doi.org/10.1214/aos/1176346154