All (in)homogeneous bond percolation models on the square, triangular, and hexagonal lattices belong to the same universality class, in the sense that they have identical critical exponents at the critical point (assuming the exponents exist). This is proved using the star–triangle transformation and the box-crossing property. The exponents in question are the one-arm exponent $\rho$, the $2j$-alternating-arms exponents $\rho_{2j}$ for $j\ge1$, the volume exponent $\delta$, and the connectivity exponent $\eta$. By earlier results of Kesten, this implies universality also for the near-critical exponents $\beta$, $\gamma$, $\nu$, $\Delta$ (assuming these exist) for any of these models that satisfy a certain additional hypothesis, such as the homogeneous bond percolation models on these three lattices.
Geoffrey R. Grimmett. Ioan Manolescu. "Universality for bond percolation in two dimensions." Ann. Probab. 41 (5) 3261 - 3283, September 2013. https://doi.org/10.1214/11-AOP740