We consider the problem of absolute continuity for the one-dimensional SDE $$X_t=x+∫_0^ta(X_s) ds+Z_t, $$ where $Z$ is a real Lévy process without Brownian part and $a$ a function of class $\mathcal{C}^{1}$ with bounded derivative. Using an elementary stratification method, we show that if the drift $a$ is monotonous at the initial point $x$, then $X_t$ is absolutely continuous for every $t>0$ if and only if $Z$ jumps infinitely often. This means that the drift term has a regularizing effect, since $Z_t$ itself may not have a density. We also prove that when $Z_t$ is absolutely continuous, then the same holds for $X_t$, in full generality on $a$ and at every fixed time $t$. These results are then extended to a larger class of elliptic jump processes, yielding an optimal criterion on the driving Poisson measure for their absolute continuity.
Ivan Nourdin. Thomas Simon. "On the absolute continuity of Lévy processes with drift." Ann. Probab. 34 (3) 1035 - 1051, May 2006. https://doi.org/10.1214/009117905000000620