We study a random time change for stationary Markov processes $(Y_t, Q)$ with random birth and death. We use an increasing process, obtained from a homogeneous random measure (HRM) as our clock. We construct a time change that preserves both the stationarity and the Markov property. The one-dimensional distribution of the time-changed process is the characteristic measure $\nu$ of the HRM, and its semigroup $(\tilde{P}_t)$ is a naturally defined time-changed semigroup. Properties of $\nu$ as an excessive measure for $(\tilde{P}_t)$ are deduced from the behaviour of the HRM near the birth time. In the last section we apply our results to a simple HRM and connect the study of $Y$ near the birth time to the classical Martin entrance boundary theory.
H. Kaspi. "Random Time Changes for Processes with Random Birth and Death." Ann. Probab. 16 (2) 586 - 599, April, 1988. https://doi.org/10.1214/aop/1176991774