It is shown that if $F$ is an IMRL (increasing mean residual life) distribution on $\lbrack 0, \infty)$ then: $\max\{\sup_t |\bar F(t) - \bar G(t)|, \sup_t|\bar F(t) - e^{-t/\mu}|, \sup_t|\bar G(t) - e^{-t/\mu}|, \\ \sup_t |\bar G(t) - e^{-t/\mu_G}|\} = \frac{\rho}{\rho + 1} = 1 - \frac{\mu}{\mu_G}$ where $\bar F(t) = 1 - F(t), \mu = E_FX, \mu_2 = E_FX^2, G(t) = \mu^{-1} \int^t_0 \bar F(x) dx, \mu_G = E_GX = \mu_2/2\mu$, and $\rho = \mu_2/2\mu^2 - 1 = \mu_G/\mu - 1$. Thus if $F$ is IMRL and $\rho$ is small then $F$ and $G$ are approximately equal and exponentially distributed. IMRL distributions with small $\rho$ arise naturally in a class of first passage time distributions for Markov processes, as first illuminated by Keilson. The current results thus provide error bounds for exponential approximations of these distributions.
Mark Brown. "Approximating IMRL Distributions by Exponential Distributions, with Applications to First Passage Times." Ann. Probab. 11 (2) 419 - 427, May, 1983. https://doi.org/10.1214/aop/1176993607