Open Access
May, 1982 A Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Double Arrays of Independent Random Variables with Applications to Regression and Time Series Models
Tze Leung Lai, Ching Zong Wei
Ann. Probab. 10(2): 320-335 (May, 1982). DOI: 10.1214/aop/1176993860


Motivated by the problem of establishing laws of the iterated logarithm for least squares estimates in regression models and for partial sums of linear processes, we prove a general $\log \log$ law for weighted sums of the form $\sum^\infty_{i=-\infty} a_{ni}\varepsilon_i$, where the $\varepsilon_i$ are independent random variables with zero means and a common variance $\sigma^2$, and $\{a_{ni}: n \geq 1, -\infty < i < \infty\}$ is a double array of constants such that $\sum^\infty_{i=-\infty} a^2_{ni} < \infty$ for every $n$. Besides applying the general theorem to least squares estimates and linear processes, we also use it to improve earlier results in the literature concerning weighted sums of the form $\sum^n_{i=1} f(i/n)\varepsilon_i$.


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Tze Leung Lai. Ching Zong Wei. "A Law of the Iterated Logarithm for Double Arrays of Independent Random Variables with Applications to Regression and Time Series Models." Ann. Probab. 10 (2) 320 - 335, May, 1982.


Published: May, 1982
First available in Project Euclid: 19 April 2007

zbMATH: 0485.60031
MathSciNet: MR647507
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aop/1176993860

Primary: 60F15
Secondary: 60G35 , 62J05 , 62M10

Keywords: double arrays , Exponential bounds , Law of the iterated logarithm , least squares estimates , linear processes , Moment inequalities

Rights: Copyright © 1982 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.10 • No. 2 • May, 1982
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