Individualized treatment rules (ITRs) for treatment recommendation is an important topic for precision medicine as not all beneficial treatments work well for all individuals. Interpretability is a desirable property of ITRs, as it helps practitioners make sense of treatment decisions, yet there is a need for ITRs to be flexible to effectively model complex biomedical data for treatment decision making. Many ITR approaches either focus on linear ITRs, which may perform poorly when true optimal ITRs are nonlinear, or black-box nonlinear ITRs, which may be hard to interpret and can be overly complex. This dilemma indicates a tension between interpretability and accuracy of treatment decisions. Here we propose an additive model-based nonlinear ITR learning method that balances interpretability and flexibility of the ITR. Our approach aims to strike this balance by allowing both linear and nonlinear terms of the covariates in the final ITR. Our approach is parsimonious in that the nonlinear term is included in the final ITR only when it substantially improves the ITR performance. To prevent overfitting, we combine crossfitting and a specialized information criterion for model selection. Through extensive simulations we show that our methods are data-adaptive to the degree of nonlinearity and can favorably balance ITR interpretability and flexibility. We further demonstrate the robust performance of our methods with an application to a cancer drug sensitive study.
Funding Statement
Maronge’s effort toward this work was supported by NIH Grant R01HL094786 and a University of Wisconsin–Madison Morse Fellowship.
Chen’s effort towards this work was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-2054346 and the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health from the Wisconsin Partnership Program (Research Design Support: the Protocol Development, Informatics, and Biostatistics Module).
The authors thank the Editor, the referees, and the Associate Editor for their insightful comments and suggestions. Guanhua Chen and Jared D. Huling are co-corresponding authors of the paper who jointly developed the method and supervised the project.
Jacob M. Maronge. Jared D. Huling. Guanhua Chen. "A reluctant additive model framework for interpretable nonlinear individualized treatment rules." Ann. Appl. Stat. 17 (4) 3384 - 3402, December 2023. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-AOAS1767