Georgiou, Katkov and Tsodyks considered the following random process. Let be an infinite sequence of independent, identically distributed, uniform random points in . Starting with , the elements join S one by one, in order. When an entering element is larger than the current minimum element of S, this minimum leaves S. Let denote the content of S after the first n elements join. Simulations suggest that the size of S at time n is typically close to . Here we first give a rigorous proof that this is indeed the case, and that in fact the symmetric difference of and the set is of size at most with high probability. Our main result is a more accurate description of the process implying, in particular, that as n tends to infinity converges to a normal random variable with variance . We further show that the dynamics of the symmetric difference of and the set converges with proper scaling to a three-dimensional Bessel process.
Funding Statement
The first author’s research supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-1855464, ISF Grant 281/17, BSF Grant 2018267 and the Simons Foundation.
The third author’s research supported in part by NSF Grant DMS-1855527, a Simons Investigator grant and a MacArthur Fellowship.
We thank Ehud Friedgut and Misha Tsodyks for helpful comments, we thank Ron Peled, Sahar Diskin and Jonathan Zung for fruitful discussions and we thank Iosif Pinelis for proving in [9] that the density function of is given by .
Noga Alon. Dor Elboim. Allan Sly. "On a random model of forgetting." Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2) 2190 - 2207, April 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-AAP2018